Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Lost Fligt Simulator Cd Cd


a bit 'of honest cazzeggiano (that stuff "colored" was made in about 10 minutes .. why I put it then? good question)

Wording For Cupcake Birthday

Merola: Mauritius Cevenini Chairman of the Electoral Palace in

Maurizio Cevenini will be an active character in the campaign for the primaries, the race will bring the citizens of Bologna's center-left to select and designate its mayoral candidate for the elections next spring.

The confirmation came from both sides, from the CEV, which has renewed its commitment to provision of the PD and Virginio Merola, who wanted him as president of its Nominating Committee. It will be a solid partnership and present, with Bologna as a single center and purpose.

"I know I have great difficulty in leaving the Democratic Party, that my name had reached a unanimous position and we feel a strong personal responsibility" said Maurizio Cevenini to Radio Tau this morning. "In addition " continued "I always said that I supported the candidate who came out town by the PD, the same body that has shown me."

Of course, this was not what the city would want, but know that the former Democratic City's planning department will have a figure so reassuring and so strong a team is a good consolation, as an acceptable compromise. Hope for a Party that needs to regain his constituents.

"D obbiamo remember" again emphasized the CEV "that beyond all played an important match against the city and country. The overriding aim should be to involve many people. My candidacy had caused some excitement in more and now we must recover this spirit. "

the CEV, defined by Merola " peacemaker," will be more of a shoulder for support will be a sort of contact with his note that sensitivity can make for a very divided city, in the struggle.

harassed by cuts in 2011 and the sacrifices that seem insurmountable. Such as school, work, job insecurity, unemployment.

"I will do everything possible, people say enough divisions, just fight, do something and in this respect has been very useful to step back to De Maria. Continue with two candidates would be a mistake. Now my invitation is pulling together and if you do not want to vote for Merola, you still make your own choice. "

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is Wearing A Rosery Offensive

Commemoration Anpi Accursio. Cevenini "We are here in memory of participation, what we hope to have soon a symbol of unity"

(click on Play and then on the four arrows to see the presentation full screen)

ninety years have passed since then, times have followed, major historical events, people who knew how to make a decisive contribution to the fate of all countries in the world. Yet, year after year, there are events that should be mentioned that in that time has indelibly marked who we are today, should not be repeated.

So it is with the Battle of Palazzo d'Accursio , a bloody day that marks the hearts of those years to follow, that Our country began the effectiveness of violence, reprisal for the massacre, which gave way to a movement against which many fought and died. The November 21, 1920 , in fact, fascists dealt a huge blow to Bologna, an attack not only physical but also ideological.

And yesterday, in the heart of a city that has always been a protagonist in Resistance , together with those who represent their heroes, he remembered what happened, depositing wreaths in honor of the fallen. Presiding over the memorial Armando Sarti, Vice President of Anti-Fascist Committee of Bolognina, Walter Vitali, a former Mayor of Bologna, Leonardo Barcelo , Former City Councilman and Pd Maurizio Cevenini , point man bologese policy since its initial application in the primaries, Regional Director of the Democratic Party.

The backdrop to the brief but intense ceremony, an exhibition of Unicef, photos and pictures of children around the world who have created a sort of " ideal link with Resistance " said Barcelo" Maybe if it were not so, I would not have even been able to come to Italy. "

Near the PNA and the initiative, with a letter that had come to the Memorial of Bolognina, but which was read in the courtyard of Palazzo d'Accursio, the President of the Senate, Renato Schifani , who recalled how the country has " a huge debt of gratitude to all those men and women who fought against fascism .

Even the President of ANCI Chiamparino , Mayor of Torino, and Anna Maria the Chancellor, Commissioner of Bologna, were said in a statement, ideally close to the memory of the victims, to remember a piece is so important in our history, because if it had not, if so many people from the life and simple habits they did not rebel, Italy would surely have suffered a fate much worse.

"The events occurred at the height of the red biennium" says Prof. Rolando Dondarini , historical "between 1919 and 1920, when the opposition in the Po Valley, between the socialists and those who opposed the change they contend, had reached the highest levels. Bologna had become a sort of standard of this ideological struggle, so when we knew the outcome of the elections, the climate was already overheated. That morning they had already tested a few skirmishes in the city, a red flag was hoisted on the Donkey and when the people gathered to celebrate the new administration , and the squad came from via Rizzoli, began to roar, and then shoot. It was born from escaping the massacre. Ten deaths among the population, within a the City, and fifty wounded. "

A deep wound not only for democracy, freedom, but the constitution same city that since then, and until the end of the war, he was Commissioner . A Commissioner is very different than what we are experiencing today, a process that brought the fascists to easily understand the effectiveness of the armed threat , violence and death. It began reprisals, raids, blood. "Our city " Sarti said "was the area that has seen more violence and retaliation fascist."

Fascist Italian. Do not Nazi Germany.

"And to think that Bologna had still one of its honorary citizens, Benito Mussolini " continued the Vice-Chairman of the Committee Antifascist Bolognina "of fascism that there should be no more track in our country. "

The CEV, recently returned to politics, paid tribute to a movement so fundamental in Italian history, celebrated with a ceremony by himself when it was approved and established City Councilman.

"The whole day is demonstrate that we do not forget, and I am pleased that Vitali is with us, which is not only a Senator of the Republic, but was also the first mayor elected directly by Bologna and therefore more representative. In that episode "said Maurizio Cevenini " remains the greatest expression of democracy attack, the activities of City stopped in a traumatic way, which marked the beginning of a dramatic season for our country. Today can not be made any direct parallel with the current situation but we are in a time of instability and all the moments of instability are to be remembered. "

Having attended this morning to ' Opening of Garden Father Carli, a Franciscan, and Largo Demetrius Presini , puppeteer, in the company of Sub Commissioner Raffaele Ricciardi and Virginio Merola, Democratic Party candidate in the primary, the CEV has decided to recall the appeal for months now aimed at Bologna: "We need a mayor, even if the Commissioner of today has nothing to do with that then, so you need to invite people to participate in the political as a reminder of the day. We are here today in remembrance of participation, and parteciopazione is what we hope to have soon as a symbol of unity ".

Friday, November 19, 2010

Alternative Zu Skagen

The PD has a name: Virginio Merola will be running for the Democratic Party Primary

Virginio Merola is officially the only candidate in the primary for the Democratic Party. So it was decided, after intensive consultation with Andrea De Maria, after a political debate based on the programs, ideas that already from the last Town meeting had proved very consistent and convergent.

The announcement was made by the Secretary Raphael Donini with a communication opening, a message to inform and at the same time expressing their satisfaction with the outcome of discussions in recent days, they had created a sort of suspense between supporters of a party that becomes a sturdy and compact front.

"The political agreement between Virginio Merola and Andrew de Maria joined by virtue of the fact that the mutual programmatic approach of the two potential candidates in the primary elements contained apparent affinity. An agreement had been advocated by many, leaders and members "and occurred, said Donini " without there being the slightest was forced by the provincial leadership, regional and national level. "

fully consistent and in harmony with the Secretary has said Virginio Merola, who took the floor to emphasize his pride in "This party has been able to address a question in the light of the sun. What some considered a weakness, I believe is our strength. The road to truth is the road that should pay.
"I think it took courage " added then the new candidate at the former opponent De Maria "to raise his hand and I think it took a very human dimension to this waiver."

In thanks, duties to a significant setback that allowed the Democratic Party to win back together and unified image, moreover, the former commissioner added the warm invitation to collaborate in the Election Committee, to work together on theme of the proposals.

"Tomorrow" has stressed Merola " start to work, to be present among people. Frascaroli and the Zacchiroli say that candidates in the field all belong to a large constellation, the constellation of the Democratic Party, which is worth more or less support than any strength of the center left. There is no taxation, recommendation, and I want everyone to feel free to support its preferred candidate, including three that have the common goal of working together with Bologna and Bologna.

Present Assembly and ready to offer its support to newcomers also Maurizio Cevenini that, consistent with its previous statements, he shook hands Virginio Merola. The CEV, also applauded heat from all those present, said two words, the first being Rivani since his retirement, opening up, in his style, with speech joke: "I decided to review my position . One trick, but in which many still hope.

"From tomorrow," said what will always remain a candidate with wider support of the city "we must work to win the election for broad participation in the primary, possibly for the comparison with a smile. And we have to ask for a hand to the citizens of Bologna: come out and vote pesateci, give us the chance to govern this city so much that is important to us. "

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mudroom Locker Design Plans

How much is a moving, ideas to save

The cost of a move depends on many variables. The first and most obvious is the amount of material to be moved from one house to 'another, from one office to' another. If we have to "pack" a house of 100 sqm is one thing, but another if it is a studio of 30 square . As we are able to accumulate there comparison, this is an area smaller than a third and the move will cost proportionately less.

Instead, what makes up the price of a move are the assembly and disassembly of furniture . If the porters or the movers will have to play around your kitchen for example the price will rise. To remove a kitchen are also 2 or 3 hours to reassemble the same time, especially if they are fitted kitchens with a certain thickness. At this point it is worth asking whether to save it is not appropriate to leave the old house.

Another factor that makes up the price of a move is the repository of the furniture . If you are not available to the other house, you do not know where to put all your furniture you will need the care of furniture and objects.
trasclocatori I have access to open spaces where you can keep your furniture, also for a long time, but everything has a cost that must be added to traclochi final estimate.

Some price of a move to make the idea:
-40sqm house without dismantling the kitchen, but with a few wardrobe items already packed in boxes. City by city the price of this move is between 500 and 900 euro, depends on the amount of objects.
-house of 70 sqm disassembly and reassembly of all furniture and kitchen, city by city. Price indication between 1500 and 2000 €.

If the move takes place in a different city within the 50-100 km generally do not pay as well is usually charged a fee ranging from 1 to 2 euro per km driven.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where To Get Married In Mount Pleasant

stalls, the Assembly also

And they were three. A situation impasse that seems to require intervention by senior leaders of Democratic Party on the high seas, in Bologna, a party that lost its leading candidate, the only one capable of creating a unified and united chorus, is scattered in the usual discordant internal factions.

So yesterday, Town House, has taken time, it is stalled by listening to the declarations of war of the two current champions declared Virginio Merola and Andrea De Maria, whom he's added a third, James Venturi , number two, well i House seen from the upper floors, including the Governor Vasco Errani.

Three candidates for the primaries, when probably the best solution would be only one face on which to stake everything on which to converge and demonstrate unity after many disagreements. A character that can keep up with competitors the first step before a second election Milan occurs and before the party loses credibility with his supporters. Moreover, in such a sensitive time for the national balances, a step away from the fall of a government that has done more harm than good, a "start unit" , as recalled by the CEV some time ago, it would certainly be important in ' national image.

"We followed a path which called for various applications in the field with political contributions and projects for the city. Anselmi, Campagnoli ... all important figures for Bologna and none of them was forced to withdraw. He said a speech that led to the nomination of Maurizio Cevenini and, with the loss of its availability, we can not abandon it. Consistency is coupled with the political credibility, in line with the plan to connect more to the city. Therefore I, as Secretary, I claim the right to encourage other external availability: this means getting into contact with the Bolognese.

The comparison between the candidates could mature into a well sharing as was the case then (with Cevenini, ed) through discussion and dialogue, without forcing. If this convergence will occur is through a political debate.

But if it happens, we will have primaries with more than one candidate of the Democratic Party. " With these words

R affaele Donini, Secretary of the Democratic Party di Bologna, clarified his position and that of the party, which will support multiple application while preferring, should circumstances allow it, a uniform solution, as required by Delegates to the Assembly.

Sitting in the front rows also a former candidate Maurizio Cevenini , received with great enthusiasm by those present and how hope and guidance from Bologna who even now, weeks after its withdrawal, calling for a rethinking of its drive for a party that desperately needs to regain public confidence.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jewel De Nyle In Pottery Scene

Maurizio Maurizio Cevenini Cevenini again speak of Bologna: "I am very worried"

"Today I feel much better, I spent ten days after Villalba, a Castrocaro regaining fitness, serenity and awareness for the choice I made. Thank you all those who supported me and still do today, and I also thank you journalists who have demonstrated a personal involvement that made me really happy " .

So you opened the press conference Maurizio Cevenini, this morning at the Bar Ciccio, a time to meet and exchange with reporters to talk to Bologna, a red bastion going through a period of great difficulty.

"On the political front," continued the CEV "I'm worried and I feel a strong personal responsibility for this situation. I know that my words at this stage are significant weigh a lot, even in relation to any support for running in the primary, and that my application had a large share even within my own party. The assessment made on me has always been based on personal outcomes: the CEV would take a lot of success. But these votes, just because they have never been translated into a position of party or political affinity component, can not be transferred automatically. They are not even in my availability, because they represent the personal choice of thousands of people. "

doubts the neutrality and motivated than those required to support that seemed to come from different choirs, and who wanted to sponsor one or the other candidate, the CEV has spoken of Bologna and the country, demonstrating a high turnout and a great willingness to that candidate who will be indicated by Pd.
Cevenini, moreover, has always stood out compared to most politicians 'canonical' raised by the consents often regardless of the political party of origin, as it has been able to rally around if the right voters, disappointed by previous administrations. Unlikely that voters would vote for any Democratic Party candidate while having them his support and his support.

"However," it continued Mr. Preferences "for its sense of responsibility towards the Democratic Party and to the city, he saw me in a good mayor, when there will be a single candidate supported by the party then I expect my support, the Party and to that candidate ".

choice also motivated by the consistency, which has always seen his willingness to assert its deployment, regardless of the results achieved with the election. Commitment that will not fail and that will take him to talk about his 'points', big city such as Bologna, with the unions and economic forces.

"parties" added, discussing the general situation not only the city but the country "are in a stage of objective difficulties, regardless of its militants. There is therefore need to look out but without it we are talking about automatic citizenship, a figure, however, that can affect people who are not deployed by either side ".

What would, therefore, Maurizio Cevenini the ideal candidate for mayor? " All names in the field today have their own history for what they have done before. But the fact that the municipal budget next year is data disaster requires a high degree of transparency towards the citizens. You have to choose by telling the truth and being around people, and loyal employees with such humanity. Unfortunately there are no resources for a time ".

addition, the CEV has noted that" runners in the primary must leave out the bitterness and confrontation "and that whatever the outcome " there must commit after much ".

Responding to journalists' questions, Maurizio Cevenini reiterated its support for the leadership of the Democratic Party di Bologna: "I am beside Donini, which is now in a situation of real difficulty. I've been around and supported me with elegance, without encouraging clubs to forcibly votarmi. L and discussions of recent days have distanced his instructions, a party who want to reconnect to its citizens, but this is a real and important need, and we can retrieve it with a good campaign. I will give a hand to the Secretary .

and respect the Italian situation and the success of vendoliani? "In a country where you win with 30% and not with the majority, everyone must realize that the small vegetable garden can give some more parliamentary, but away from the people. It takes a single candidate who has capacity for governance and reporting with the outside world. We have all read the surveys and interviews in the newspapers these days: there is a tendency to desertion of the vote in general. We have established a tradition of voting, but this story is changing and fall is a given objective, so we do our best to have a great turnout. remembering that every person who goes to vote has already been a great resource. "

Finally, Maurizio Cevenini closed mind is unclear what will be his role in the coming weeks: "Gradually return to my activities in the Region, but with an eye in Bologna. "

Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Make Suction Cups

Commemoration of the Battle of Bolognina: present the CEV, again with the Bolognese

E 'returned today for the first time since the illness that forced him to retire, Maurizio Cevenini , Regional Councillor and former candidate in the primaries of the Democratic Party. And people, the Bolognese, who received him with the usual warmth, enthusiasm and hope for a figure, a character that can still make an enormous contribution to the city.

His first appearance, if we exclude the participation of the Regional Assembly of the Democratic Party yesterday in Rimini, began with the Commemoration of 66th Anniversary of the Battle of Bolognina , an occasion which saw him greet with affection those heroes, those key figures in the history of our country who fought and died, defending freedom.

" I am very happy to take the word here today, one month away from a very special episode. Bolognina talking to has a special meaning for those who want the city \u200b\u200bmay once again be a place of civilized debate, and it is important that institutions should remember a place like this. " He said an emotional CEV, whose words, as always, were dictated by the great affection for this suffering Bologna.
"It 's just that the Democratic city," he added in his brief greetings "to remember the steps of their history to assess exactly what do in the future. "

present beside Mr. Preferences, long acclaimed by those present, the Sub Commissioner Raffaele Ricciardi, William Michelini, PNA President, Armando Sarti , Vice President of Anti-Fascist Committee of Bolognina, Andrea De Maria, PD candidate in the primary, along with some representatives of the Party and Claudio Mazzanti, former President of the District Navile.

The celebration took place in the presence of representatives of law enforcement agencies and with the greeting of the highest offices of state. The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano wanted to express his ideal and participation in the ceremony "to honor those who paid with their life's contribution and love for their homeland, the democratic peace."

The President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini wanted to express their support for an initiative that "transmit to future generations the values \u200b\u200bof democracy. The protection of freedom is a daily exercise and resistance is a crucial chapter in Italian history. "

No notes instead came in response to the invitation to the Prime Minister.

After the Ceremony The CEV has not disappointed his supporters and those who know and appreciate it, going to town to celebrate her first marriage after the return .

And not this afternoon will miss the Stadium to watch the game alongside the Bologna fans, who dedicated to him in sickness a banner: "Saving Private CEV."

Friday, November 12, 2010

Emerald And Ivory Wedding Bouquet

Commemoration in honor of Massimiliano Bruno, the young man fell in Nasiriyah

was held this morning at the Gardens of the Hillock of Bologna, the annual memorial dedicated the policeman Massimiliano Bruno, Warrant Officers and Gold Medal for Meritorious culture and art, which together with other young and brave Italian soldiers have died in the attack of November 12, 2003, in Nasiriyah.

A day of blood, a dark and painful memories that still carries within the country and has the face of the 28 persons, 19 Italian and nine Iraqis who lost their lives .

So this morning, as happens every year, the city got together to spare a thought for those guys, and the many who daily risk of leaving never to return.

present at the commemoration of the many faces political Bologna, together with law enforcement agencies and associations, with their flags and their banners paid tribute to the fallen and Massimiliano Bruno. Opening the ceremony was Anna Maria Cancellieri , Special Commissioner of Bologna, accompanied by senior Army and Police, from Quaestor Tranfaglia , by candidates for PD Virginio Merola and Donald Lenzi , the Regional Coordinator PDL Filippo Berselli and Professor Roberto Nicoletti, Deputy Rector of Bologna University for students.

still absent for health reasons, but was ready to return from Saturday, with the participation of the Regional Assembly of the Democratic Party in Rimini, Maurizio Cevenini , that every year he wanted to pay their greeting and their love to the family of the young policeman, represented by its spokesman, Alice Loreti.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lorna Morgan Posted On January 7th, 2010

see (almost) the light still

yesterday I was informed that my Harry Moon will be released in February and no longer under native ... sin