Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wording For Cupcake Birthday

Merola: Mauritius Cevenini Chairman of the Electoral Palace in

Maurizio Cevenini will be an active character in the campaign for the primaries, the race will bring the citizens of Bologna's center-left to select and designate its mayoral candidate for the elections next spring.

The confirmation came from both sides, from the CEV, which has renewed its commitment to provision of the PD and Virginio Merola, who wanted him as president of its Nominating Committee. It will be a solid partnership and present, with Bologna as a single center and purpose.

"I know I have great difficulty in leaving the Democratic Party, that my name had reached a unanimous position and we feel a strong personal responsibility" said Maurizio Cevenini to Radio Tau this morning. "In addition " continued "I always said that I supported the candidate who came out town by the PD, the same body that has shown me."

Of course, this was not what the city would want, but know that the former Democratic City's planning department will have a figure so reassuring and so strong a team is a good consolation, as an acceptable compromise. Hope for a Party that needs to regain his constituents.

"D obbiamo remember" again emphasized the CEV "that beyond all played an important match against the city and country. The overriding aim should be to involve many people. My candidacy had caused some excitement in more and now we must recover this spirit. "

the CEV, defined by Merola " peacemaker," will be more of a shoulder for support will be a sort of contact with his note that sensitivity can make for a very divided city, in the struggle.

harassed by cuts in 2011 and the sacrifices that seem insurmountable. Such as school, work, job insecurity, unemployment.

"I will do everything possible, people say enough divisions, just fight, do something and in this respect has been very useful to step back to De Maria. Continue with two candidates would be a mistake. Now my invitation is pulling together and if you do not want to vote for Merola, you still make your own choice. "


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