Monday, December 6, 2010

When Does Baby's Head

Sitting Salvemini. Maurizio Cevenini: "A thought those boys and their parents"

were so many present this morning at Tech Salvemini to remember those guys suddenly and inexplicably disappeared on a day like many among the high school. A significant contribution to pay tribute to those who have unjustly lost their lives, to condemn a fact that many angrily called " massacre" and not tragedy, to say out loud " never .

exchange a few words before the commemoration, it is easy to meet someone who still remembers vividly the day, so terrible, marked by so much blood. Many lived intimately what happened to the branch of the Technical Gaetano Salvemini December 6, 1990, twenty years ago now, to anyone even Casalecchio Di Reno was able to see the military aircraft out of control, zigzagging in the sky before the center, with dramatic precision, the classroom was unaware that the 2A class.

And then the roar, and 12 lives lost in an instant. Deborah, Laura, Sara, Laura, Tiziana, Antonella, Alexandra, Dario, Elizabeth, Helena, Carmen, Alexandra.

A story for which no one has paid a killing wound up in court as a mere "fate", a step short, as there are many.

And no matter that it happened in what should be a safe place for excellence, no matter that a military aircraft should not fly over a town, it does not matter that the school was a public building.

When he instructed the trial of the pilot and the people involved, these were defenses of State Advocacy. There were three levels of process, but it was the Supreme Court to decide that nobody's fault, and established their own January 26, 1998, just days before the Massacre of Cermis , when a plane U.S. warship shot down a cable car, killing twenty people.

And this morning, as every year, the city, the Province and the region together were found to devote a minute of silence to children and their families, whose pain is still so alive, as witnessed by the words of Roberto Alutto, President of Victims of Salvemini December 6 1990.

addition to children from all schools in the area, from Bologna in Sasso Marconi, and the Mayor of Casalecchio Simone Gamberini , Vasco Errani , Governor Emilia Romagna, Beatrice Draghetti , President of the Province, James Venturi , Vice President, Raffaele Donini , Secretary of the Democratic Party di Bologna, Virginio Merola, Democratic candidate in the primary and Professor Roberto Nicoletti, Deputy Rector for students.

Each brought their own contribution, words of solidarity and affection for a community still scarred by the pain of that tragedy so inexplicable.

For that same ruling which saw the liquidation of the unspeakable happened too easily, making it impossible for loved ones of those guys not only a motivation, but any form of accountability.

Among the many who expressed their solidarity, their affection Maurizio Cevenini , Regional Director of the PD: " December 6, 1990, 20 years is the massacre of Casalecchio. A thought for those kids and their parents. "

Because after all, despite the coolness with which the state has protected the military issues rather the safety of its citizens, the media and especially on the Internet, people will not forget.


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