The March 8, the day dedicated to Women's Day is always a moment of reflection, a time when spare a thought for all those people who live in hardship and difficulty. Women but also men, who suffer from hunger, thirst, discrimination, whether based on race, religion or sex.
Every year on this date is filled with Bologna exhibitions, conferences, meetings or to celebrate this day to talk about solidarity. The Social Centre August 2, 1980 has decided to organize a time for sharing, made special invitation to those attending to bring their own or others' thoughts on the 8 March, the commemoration of the tragedy created by the Cotton Factory in 1908.
The initiative, entitled " I read you a poem" , has been a great success, and as well as famous authors such as Eduardo de Filippo, many participants interpreted their own ways, original and very talented.
in the front row to cheer on the neopoeti even Maurizio Cevenini for all The CEV , which offered its own contribution by recalling the words the great Bertolt Brecht, reading aloud the poem titled
Loving the World
We are committed ourselves and not others
only us and not others,
or who is high, or that is below,
nor those who believe, or who do not believe.
We pledge:
without demanding that others commit themselves to us,
without judging those who are not committed,
not accuse those who do not agree,
without condemning those who are not committed,
without trying because they do not undertakes.
If anything we hear of "power"
and we are determined
is on us, only us.
The world moves if we move,
will change if we make new
but barbarized
if unleashed the beast that is in each one of us.
We pledge:
to find a meaning to life,
this life
that is not one of the many reasons
well know that
and there take heart.
We pledge not to reorder the world,
not to do it again, but to love him.
also at 18.30, Piazza Maggiore will host an event organized by the creators of "If not now, when?", A meeting dedicated but open to all women, who will also attend the CEV.
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